Rotary Clubs of Harrogate & Ripon
Carbon Balance Scheme
Tree Planting in Nidderdale Natural Landscape
Every £4 donated enables us to plant another tree!
A £16 donation with Gift Aid enables us to plant 5 trees.
Over 23,000 trees planted to date!
Site selected for March 2025.
By Intake Farm above Middlesmoor.
The first week in March, we will be planting 1050 trees at a field near Intake Farm, above Middlesmoor. The stakes will be put out on Thursday 6th March and planting will be on the Friday and Saturday 7th & 8th March. Each day will start at 1000.
Help with planting will be much appreciated! EMail me at TreesForNidderdale@gmail.com.
To reach the field, drive through the village of Middlesmoor and continue along a track (which leads on to In Moor and Scar House reservoir). A few hundred yards along the track, turn left along a better track and then down into the field alongside the planting field. There will be signs in place from Middlesmoor. The signs will also indicate the parking area.
Lee Mires Farm at Sawley and Scar Road at Lofthouse sites.
On Thursday 22nd February, we planted 330 trees at Lee Mires farm, Sawley. These trees were paid for by MoneyWeb and Pacific Asset Management. Poitioning the stakes and then planting the trees was done on the one day by volunteers from S+SA, a firm of architects in Harrogate and members of Ripon and Harrogate Roary clubs. The stakes had been colour coded and the trees had the same coding.
The farm is in the Skel Valley and the planting is part of the Skel Valley Project being run by the National Trust. The Trust's Project Manager, Gabby Crisp, was onsite the whole time directing and assisting with the work.
For photographs, see Gallery 2024 below.
Our second site was above Scar Road, Lofthouse. This is the Yorkshire Water road leading up to Scar House reservoir. These trees were also paid for by MoneyWeb and Pacific Asset Management. Members of Harrogate and Ripon Rotary clubs positioned the stakes on Thursday 29th February and they then undertook the planting on Friday and Saturday 1st and 2nd March when they were assisted by the landowner Stephen. On the Friday, they were assisted by volunteers from MoneyWeb and from Pacific Asset Management. On the Saturday, club members were asssisted by volunteers who are celebrating the 50th birthday of one of their number. What a great way to have a party! These party goers have also donated a considerable sum to our funds which have paid for some of the trees which we will be panting. Unfortunately, the weather on both planting days was attrocious and at the end, 153 trees remined to be planted. An extra day was arranged on Friday 8th March when members from both clubs were assisted by Stephen and completed the planting before lunch. Our thanks go to all the volunteers and to Stephen for all his encouragement and hard work.
Now that these planting sessions have been completed, the project has planted over 23,000 trees in the Nidderdale Natural Landscape. Our next planting session may be in November 2024, if not then in March 2025.
Low Green Farm at Grantley and Scar Road at Lofthouse sites.
From 23rd to 25th February, we planted 275 trees and 1050 shrubs at Low Green farm, Grantley. Funds were raised by public donations and 222 trees were paid for by MoneyWeb. On the Thursday, members of Harrogate and Ripon Rotary clubs positioned the stakes in the field, 3m apart. The stakes were colour coded and the trees had the same coding. On the Friday and the Saturday, members of the three clubs and volunteers from Zero Carbon Harrogate and friends attended to plant the trees.
The farm is in the Skel Valley and the planting was part of the Skel Valley Project being run by the National Trust. The Trust's Project Manager, Gabby Crisp, was onsite the whole time assisting with the work. It is hoped that further planting will take place as part of this project.
Our second site was above Scar Road, Lofthouse. This is the Yorkshire Water road leading up to Scar House reservoir. Students from Ashville College raised the money to pay for the 200 trees, stakes and shelters. Students and staff came out on Friday 3rd March to help with the staking and planting. Members of Harrogate and Harrogate Brigantees clubs gave planting advice and assistance to the students.
The project has now planted over 21,000 trees in the Nidderdale AONB. Our next planting session will be in February 2024.
West Lane and Menwith Hill Road sites
W/c 21st February, we planted 500 trees on a site on West Lane, Pateley Bridge, all paid for by public donations. On the Thursday, members of the two Rotary clubs positioned the stakes in the field, 3m apart. The stakes were colour coded and the trees had the same coding. On the Friday, members of Open Country attended to start planting the trees. On the Saturday, members of Zero Carbon Harrogate completed the planting.
W/c 28th February, we planted another 400 trees at a site on Menwith Hill Road. Of these, 318 have been bought by two Yorkshire companies, Unit4 and MoneyWeb. Staking out was done on the Thursday with planting on the Friday. Open Country were back to help with the planting, along with volunteers from the two companies together with Rotarians from Ripon and Harrogate clubs. The landowner provided bacon and sausage butties for lunch for which everyone was very grateful!
This completes our planting for the 2021/22 season. We are now looking for sites in the Nidderdale AONB where we can plant next winter. To get in touch, please use the contact page below.
The Story So Far
Since 2008, the Rotary Club of Harrogate has been raising funds from the general public to buy and plant whip trees in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. We have now been joined by the Rotary Club of Ripon.
Some people donate in memory of friends and loved ones that they have lost.
Others donate to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air that we breathe.
So far, over 22,000 trees have been planted at over 32 different sites in Nidderdale. The trees are native British hardwoods, such as Alder, Aspen, Birch, Oak, Rowan and Willow.
Trees planted in the Nidderdale Natural Landscape are part of the White Rose Forest in Yorkshire which is the largest forest within the Northern Forest Project.
The land is owned by local farmers and other landowners. Nidderdale Natural Landscape oversee the selection of trees and the planting pattern.
Why Plant Trees?
Trees are great way to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. Every person causes between 12 and 14 tonnes of carbon dioxide to be released each year. Zero Carbon Harrogate (zerocarbonharrogate.org.uk) help people to reduce this to about 8 tonnes a year.
In this scheme we plant native British hardwoods which need about 10 trees to capture one tonne of carbon. This means that the average person needs to plant 80 trees a year!
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is NOW!
Why Plant in Nidderdale Natural Landscape?
Nidderdale has a tree coverage of only 8%, compared with a national average of 13%.
Nidderdale is close to Harrogate and Ripon where our clubs are based.
The Harrogate club organise an annual Charity Walk based upon the town of Pateley Bridge which is the main town in Nidderdale.
How to Donate
All donations can be made through the well known Golden Giving/PeoplesFundraising website. To donate, click on the 'Donate' button.
If you are able to let us collect Gift Aid (and I hope you are!), please remember to enter your address as that is needed.
The website also enables you to make regular donations should you so wish.
Rotary Club of Harrogate
Ascot House Kings Road Harrogate EnglandMondays 1730-2000 or online (Zoom)07736312130Contacts
Rotary Club of Ripon
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